Free Trial Offer

Free Trial Offer for Martial Arts Classes

Getting Your Free Trial Is Easy. Just Follow These Steps…

1. Select a Program for Your Free Trial!

martial arts kid with hands up

Children’s Martial Arts

Children love our kid’s martial arts class! This program focuses a lot on energetical endurance and concentration. 

adult martial arts student punching

Adult Martial Arts

Our adult martial arts classes are a favorite among our local adult students! Get your mental and physical fitness on!

family martial arts student

Family Martial Arts

There is nothing like working together towards a goal with your children. Learn about family martial arts classes.

cardio kickboxing student punching

Cardio Kickboxing

Time to get your sweat on! Feel the burn and watch the calories fall through this incredible cardio kickboxing class!

2. Submit Your Info!

It’s that easy! We will reach out to you after we receive your request for a free trial! Thank you!

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Free Trial

xtc martial arts students